

发布时间: 2024-05-05 23:48:29北京青年报社官方账号





"China has a real opportunity to ramp down the use of oil and coal. Fossil fuel use is at odds with the work report's stated priorities of reducing air pollution, increasing public health, increasing jobs-renewable energy being known to generate twice as many jobs as investment in fossil fuels-and of long-term economic stability, given that coal and oil power plants risk being stranded, also stranding the jobs," Hepburn said.


"China has already commenced rolling out the 5G networks and the massive market scale it brings for the entire industry will make 2020 the breakout year for 5G," said Peter Richardson, research director at Counterpoint Research.


"China is driving national reform through the new infrastructure initiative, and the public cloud is playing a key role in powering adaptive enterprises. As one of the leaders in global public cloud market, the acceleration of AWS in cloud services in China will effectively provide more competitive options for enterprises in China and worldwide to modernize applications and drive digital transformation," said Charlie Dai, a principal analyst at Forrester, a business strategy and economic consultancy.


"China can position itself as a world leader, with expectations that autonomous vehicles will be capable of being deployed by 2025 or 2030," Philip Ng, a partner at KPMG in China, wrote in a research note. "Key drivers include the scale of China's auto industry as the largest market in the world by production and sales and its focus on technology and innovation, supported by the 'made in China 2025 plan'."


"China has one of the world's most abundant resources in application and in smart car networking, and we can do much more and much better in smart car making," He said. "We have accumulated experience, and we will invest more in research and development in this regard in the future."


